re Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic?

Yes! The Goldendoodle is a medium to large hypoallergenic dog breed that hardly sheds or drools.

  • medium hypoallergenic dog
  • large hypoallergenic dog
  • high energy dog
  • hypoallergenic dog
  • non shedding dog
  • low dander dog
  • kid friendly dog
  • highly intelligent dog
  • easy to train
  • healthy dog

The boisterous, beautiful Goldendoodle is a breed that will capture your heart. This hypoallergenic designer breed is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Due to their inherited Poodle gene, their coat sheds much less than most dogs, and they produce less odor and dander. Fun-loving and intelligent, the people-pleasing Goldendoodle is a pleasure to train! These highly energetic, playful Poodle cross dogs are gentle and hearty. They make excellent pets for families with children. Their energy, strength, and endurance make them superb candidates for highly active households. They will eagerly engage in biking, running, fetch, and nearly any other sport you can think of.

You should know:
Goldendoodles can end up being bigger, and stronger than you imagined. For new Goldendoodle owners, we recommend this package. Aside from having some great freebies, you get free dog training advice for life! If you want to know more, click here.

For a quick summary of the Goldendoodle, skip to our further down the page.

Related Breeds: Poodle, Labradoodle, Aussiedoodle

Discover more hypoallergenic dogs here.

Are Goldendoodle Hypoallergenic Dogs? Contents

Goldendoodle Quick Facts
About the Breed
Goldendoodle Training and Exercise
Goldendoodle Grooming and Care
Goldendoodle Health Issues and Care
Goldendoodle FAQ
Goldendoodle Facts Summary

Goldendoodle Quick Facts

Hypoallergenic Dog: Yes!
Shedding:  Low shedding
Drooling: Low
Size: Medium Large
Breed Group:  Working Group
Lifespan:  10 – 15
Energy Level: High
Trainability:  High
Family Dog: Yes!


do goldendoodles shed.

About the Breed

The Goldendoodle Physical Characteristics and Coat

The Goldendoodle is a medium to large designer dog breed that is a cross between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. There have been small versions of the breed, but they are quite unusual. They possess an overtly friendly nature. These dogs are highly intelligent and incredibly energetic, so they’re great candidates for dog sports and active families, especially those with children.

The Goldendoodle coat varies in appearance, texture, and shedding depending on how much of the coat has been inherited from either breed. Most Goldendoodles are shed minimally, but some Goldendoodles inherit a coat that most closely resembles a Golden Retriever. This variant of the breed sheds more than a typical Goldendoodle, but they still shed less than most shedding dogs, and they are considered to be generally healthier than a typical purebred dog due to their genetic diversity.

Most Goldendoodles will have some level of curl to their coat, and some degree of facial fur. Goldendoodles that have more distinctive facial fur characteristics, such as fluffy eyebrows, have a more Poodle-like coat, and therefore are more hypoallergenic.
The Goldendoodle coat usually comes in curly, wavy, or straight with curly being the most poodle-like in appearance, and straight bearing more of a resemblance to the Golden Retriever. This breed is available in a veritable rainbow of colors.

Goldendoodle Temperament

Goldendoodles are a bundle of energetic love! Generally, these dogs are quite large – massive even! If you think you’re getting a small Goldendoodle – be warned – its often very difficult to tell how large they will grow up to be. The Goldendoodle’s attitude is loving and clownish. Expect a whole lot of personality with about 6 different shades of goofy, puppy-like attitude. Don’t expect your “GD” to be the world’s best guard dog. These guys are lovers, not fighters! They’re more quick witted and intellectual than their Golden Retriever parent – a habit inherited from the Poodle side of things. However, this means they get frustrated more easily if you don’t challenge them mentally, and they’re very creative food thieves! Expect to lose a lot of food during the course of raising your Goldendoodle.

Well, if we’re being honest, you can expect to lose a bit more than that! Food, shoes, socks, plants, rugs, underwear, and probably even things you never knew you had will be found in bits and pieces if you don’t keep a close watch on your growing up pup.
These guys are a bundle of fun and an excellent family pet! Golden retrievers shed quite a bit, so unlike most doodle mixes, you can probably expect some degree of shedding.

Are you considering adopting a Goldendoodle?

Here’s what to watch out for :

  • Goldendoodles are usually quite heavy and strong and grow to be rather large. If you think you’re buying a small Goldendoodle, you might be in for a surprise!
  • These guys are bursting with plenty of energy! They’re a gentle giant so they’re great for playing with kids, but if they don’t get proper exercise, they will get very destructive very fast.
  • The thick, fluffy Goldendoodle coat is hypoallergenic, but to varying degrees. Curly versions are less likely to trigger your allergies than Goldendoodles with a straighter coat.
  • Goldendoodles are extremely loving and friendly, sometimes even to cats! However, they make very poor guard dogs and aren’t good pets if you need a dog that will stay home alone a lot.

goldendoodle shed.

Similar Dog Breeds To Goldendoodle

Goldendoodle Training and Exercise

Encouraging Good Behavior In Your Goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle is a joy to train. Poodles are hailed as the second most intelligent dog breed and Golden Retrievers are very people pleasing. These characteristics make the Goldendoodle a willing and able student for obedience and dog sports, and for potty-training as well!

Due to the larger Goldendoodle’s powerful build, it is crucial to train these dogs to manage their energy level from an early age. Training the Goldendoodle puppy to relax in the presence of food and toys, and not pull, lunge, or bark on the leash is very important.

Exercise Needs

Despite their trainability, these pups are not low maintenance. These energetic dogs require at least 40 minutes of daily exercise and are not suitable pets for apartments, or families that are out of the house for most of the day. If left alone for long periods of time with little stimulation and socialization, this intelligent breed is likely to become bored and destructive. The amiable Goldendoodle flourishes in a multiple dog household, which is better able to meet thier exercise and socialization needs.

The important message to take away from this is that Goldendoodles need so much more than physical exercise (which they need quite a bit of)! They need mental stimulation, and plenty of hugs and kisses from their people!

We really can’t stress this enough
These dogs aren’t going to be fun pets if they’re bored and underexercised. However, if you don’t want to spend 40 minutes running them into a stupor, we suggest brain training for dogs. Out of all the suggestions we make, this is by far our favorite, but it’s especially great for Poodle mixes. Goldendoodles absolutely need mental enrichment activities to live happy, well-adjusted lives. Click here to learn more.

Here are some ways you can challenge your Goldendoodle mentally :

  • Go for a walk in a new, strange setting – such as a bustling downtown or a nature trail.
  • Drill a hole into a round Tupperware or a tennis ball, fill it with kibble, and let your Goldendoodle chase the toy around the house as they figure out how to get the kibble out!
  • Rather than feeding your Goldendoodle from a dog bowl, try tossing some food on your patio where they can race to eat it all, roll kibbles for them to chase, or play “easter egg hunt” by hiding kibbles around the house for your Goldendoodle to find.
  • Teach your buddy a new trick! These guys are very eager to learn and please you!

Goldendoodle Grooming and Care

Maintaining Your Goldendoodle’s Coat

Maintaining the Goldendoodle’s beautiful golden locks may be more of a hassle then some owners would like. The degree to which their Poodle genes affect the texture of their coat varies from dog to dog. However, all Goldendoodles require regular brushing and washing – especially due to their tendency to get dirty when playing outdoors. Allowing a Goldendoodle’s coat to remain dirty and unbrushed may cause them to develop thick, matted fur that is nearly impossible to get a comb through.

Due to their Poodle genes, the Goldendoodles coat grows fast and needs to be trimmed about every 4 months at least. It is recommended that you begin brushing your Goldendoodle from the moment you take them home, and regular brushing should be performed at least once a week.

Teeth, Ears and Nails

As with every dog, your Groodle will need its nails trimmed every one to two weeks and its teeth brushed twice a week. It’s also important to clean this dog’s ears every couple of weeks and check for irritation or odor, as their floppy ears are prone to infections.

Poodles do run the risk of developing several eye problems, so although Goldendoodles are generally a healthy dog, it’s recommended that you have your doodle dog’s eyes checked at least once a year. Watch out for tearing, excessive scratching, or irritation, and always bring your dog to the vet if you notice any of these signs! Many of the eye conditions that Poodles can develop aren’t very serious so long as they’re caught early!


Goldendoodle Health Issues and Care

The Goldendoodle is a generally hearty breed, though there are some health concerns they are known to have an above average chance of developing. Like many large breeds, large Goldendoodles are more susceptible to bloat and hip dysplasia. These dogs are also prone to diseases such as sebaceous adenitis, subvalvular aortic stenosis, Addison’s disease, and various eye diseases. Consult your veterinarian about developing a plan around when your Goldendoodle should receive routine exams to check for early warning signs. As with many diseases, catching these issues early can make a big difference in cost and treatment.

As with any dog that may be predisposed to developing hip dysplasia, it is very important to carefully manage your Goldendoodle’s weight. A Goldendoodle that maintains a healthy weight with plenty of exercise and good quality food is at a much lower risk of developing health conditions like joint pain, hip dysplasia, cancer, and bloat. So keep ’em active, keep ’em fit! That’s the motto for a healthy doodle!

Common Health Issues for Goldendoodle


The Goldendoodle is a charming designer dog that’s a mix between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. Hypoallergenic and essentially non-shedding, these playful, high energy pups have a buoyant personality. Due to their heritage, this breed is highly intelligent and very people pleasing. As a result, they are remarkably easy to train. The Goldendoodle is a very friendly dog that socializes excellently with other dogs and children. These dogs are usually very healthy, due to their genetic diversity, but they require a great deal of daily exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation to remain in top shape. This breed needs a good deal of attention and is a poor candidate for apartment living.

Goldendoodle FAQ

Is the Goldendoodle a good breed for me?

This is a good breed for you, if you :

      Lead an active lifestyle


  • Have a household where there is usually someone home
  • Have a large fenced-in backyard, or have access to a large fenced in area where dogs can be off leash
  • Are able to commit an hour a day to your dog (grooming, exercising, training, etc.)
  • Have kids that need a fuzzy friend to grow up with
      This is a bad breed for you, if you :


  • Need a dog that can be alone 9-5 while you work
  • Don’t have the time to dedicate an hour a day for your dog, or don’t have the money to pay for them to be regularly exercised or groomed
  • Live in an apartment
  • Are disabled, or elderly, and can’t handle a highly energetic (or in the case of the large size – powerful) breed
  • Are expecting a baby

How big are Goldendoodles?

Because Poodles have so many different sizes, Goldendoodles are available in a small size which is 13 – 20 inches and 15 – 35 lbs, a small standard size which is 17 – 20 inches and 40 – 50 lbs, and a large standard size which is 20 – 24 inches and 50 – 90 lbs.

hypoallergenic goldendoodle.

Are Goldendoodles good with kids?

Goldendoodles are amazing with kids! They’re just as family-friendly as Golden Retrievers.

Are Goldendoodles healthy?

Goldendoodles are considered to be a very healthy, genetically diverse breed that usually does not develop hereditary diseases if they are properly bred. Never buy a Goldendoodle from a store that sells puppies, as these dogs often develop serious genetic diseases, cancer, and other extreme health complaints. Always get your puppy from a rescue facility, or a reputable breeder!

Are Goldendoodles expensive?

Goldendoodles are middle of the road as far as costs are concerned, averaging about $1,000 for a puppy. Be wary of breeders that sell their puppies for unusually low costs – these breeders may be “backyard breeders”, or breeders that are inexperienced and often not committed to breeding healthy dogs.

Are Goldendoodles easy to train?

Goldendoodles are very easy to train, compared to other dogs! They are energetic, eager, intelligent, and people pleasing!

Are Goldendoodles good apartment pets?

No, Goldendoodles are not suitable dogs to live in an apartment unless you are very committed to making sure that your dog has plenty of strenuous exercise as well as mental stimulation and a lot of socialization. Goldendoodles are not good pets to leave alone in the home all day, and they need plenty of time and space to satisfy their physical needs.

Do Goldendoodles shed?

Most Goldendoodles hardly shed, if at all. However, if the dog has inherited more of the Retriever hair gene, they might shed a bit more. If you’re looking for a Goldendoodle that doesn’t shed, select a puppy with facial garnishes (hairy facial features), or coat that is more curly or wavy than straight. Regularly brushing your Goldendoodle will cut down a lot on shedding.

Are Goldendoodles hypoallergenic?

Yes! Goldendoodles are essentially non-shedding and produce very little dander so they’re hypoallergenic. However, there’s some Goldendoodles that have straight coats that look very similar to Golden Retrievers. These dogs shed more, produce more dander, and are not as good for people who suffer from dog allergies.

Goldendoodle Facts Summary

Breed Goldendoodle
Other Names? Curly Golden, Goldenpoo
Hypoallergenic? Yes
Height Small : 13 – 20 inches (33 – 51 cm)
Small Standard : 17 – 20 inches (43 – 51 cm)
Large Standard : 20 – 24 inches (51 – 61)
Weight Small : 15 – 35 lbs (7 – 16)
Small Standard : 40 – 50 lbs (18 – 23)
Large Standard : 50 – 90 lbs (23 – 41)
Lifespan 10 – 15 years
Temperament Eager, Energetic, Intelligent, Clownish, People Pleasing, Extremely Friendly, Extremely Happy
Colours black, copper, white, cream, gray, golden, apricot, or red
Coat – describe the coat Curly, Wavy, or Straight
How much grooming? Medium Maintenance – Weekly brushing
How much shedding Low-to-no shedding
Dander levels Low
dander level
Saliva – Do they Drool or Lick much? Low
Energy levels High
How much exercise do they need? 40 minute daily walk
Health problems Considered a very healthy breed. Predisposed to hip dysplasia, bloat, sebaceous adenitis, subvalvular aortic stenosis, Addison’s disease, eye diseases, ear infections, Von Willebrands disease
Good for apartment? No
Suitable for kids? Excellent with children, even young children
How much do they bark? Moderately
Can they be left alone? Low tolerance for being left alone
Intelligent? Quite intelligent – above average
Trainable? Easy to train
How popular as a pet? Popular for designer dog breeds
Any other important facts? This dog was originally bred in 1969 to be a hypoallergenic guide dog.


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